So, first things first, why did I go to a malaria research centre? If you go to the project’s website, that’ll give you a head start. Basically, our study is a randomized intervention where we chose 150 villages in rural Orissa in 2007 and randomly assigned them into one of three groups. The first group was merely interviewed with no intervention (our control group). The second group of villages were given mosquito bednets for free to cover their entire family…they were also interviewed. The third group of villages were offered to purchase nets either with cash, or on credit through a local microfinance institution. Everyone was tested for malaria using our field test kits in 2007 and again during the pat 6 months to see whether being in one of the treatment groups caused a decline in the rate of malaria. Logically, you would expect villages with access to the bednets (even if some people didn’t use them) would have relatively lower malaria 2 years later. Unfortunately, using preliminary data (I say preliminary because I’m not done cleaning it yet!!! yuck!!) we have not found this expected result.
Instead of scrapping all the results we’re doing additional research about the validity of our malaria field kits. So, we went to a malaria research centre in Rourkela where the head doctor there agreed to let us come and double test his patients for a few days. They test for malaria using blood slides and analyzing them under a microscope, a more accurate way to detecting the malaria parasite. So, we tested the same patients, and are now comparing our results to the clinic’s results to see if our tests yield accurate results.
The journey started with an 11 hour overnight bus ride from Bhubaneswar to Rourkela. It sounds awful, but it’s really not that bad.
Being at the malaria clinic was a rollercoaster of emotions. The only people that come to the clinic are those who suspect they have malaria, which means a lot of really sick people. Fortunately at this time of the year it’s mostly not malaria, but they’re really sick all the same. It was particularly hard to watch the kids who were so sick, and also so scared of getting pricked for the blood test. They screamed and screamed, it was really hard to watch.
Here’s a picture of the little room where all the patients are seen. You can see Jitesh and Jujesti in the background preparing our tests while the clinic’s technician is in the foreground collecting the blood slides.
We spent 2 days in the clinic and also 2 days in the field. We visited 2 villages about an hour outside of Rourkela where the clinic has small field offices that they visit every couple of weeks. Here’s a picture of a tea shop that we stopped at along the way.
Here’s Deepak “interviewing” one of the village children after being tested. We had to ask everyone about their symptoms and if they’ve had malaria in the past 30 days, etc. Unfortunately, the answers provided by the children weren’t very accurate. They would just kind of nod their head this way or that way at each question. It was very amusing to watch.
The roads were not good.
These next pictures I took at a school on the second day in the field. I just fell in love with these little boys. They took a while to warm up to me, but once they did they were all smiles. The first one was very wary of the blood tests and crying, but he ended up being one of the happiest ones after he got to see his picture in the review on my camera (that's his teacher coaxing him).

After a full work week, we took some time to see the only real tourist site in Rourkela - the river where 2 separate rivers joint to become one. This is me with the can see I'm wearing the Salwar Kameez I had tailored when I first arrived in India. Don't I look like a local? - ha!
On the way back from Rourkela we stopped in Sambalpur, one of the study districts in our project and also where the project headquarters were located before I arrived. We went to the village of Kilasama, which was a village where we gave away nets for free. This woman in the next picture is working to roll beetels - like cigarettes made of dried leaves that they roll with tobacco. She told us that she gets paid about 33 rupees when she makes 1000 of them. That's about 85 cents and takes her 2 days.

Here is another woman in the village who was eager to show us that her net was hung up in working condition.
Our last stop on the way back to Bhubaneswar was to the damn in Sambalpur. We climbed to the top of the tower that looks from one side of the damn to the other. It was so beautiful and quiet. Very peaceful...a nice change from the rest of life in India.

Beautiful pictures kj!!! I love the teal color in the background of the little boys. I was trying to figure out why poeple would not use the nets given or makes sense that some people see them as to valuable to use considering their wages