Anyway, back to Delhi...all in all it was a great weekend, and I think it was as much because I loved Delhi and what we did there as it was just being around a good friend and having someone to do those things with.
Colette and I talked the first night about this feeling of guilt that we have being here and staying in such (relatively) nice conditions. It's a feeling I've had a lot lately coming back to a nice, clean, air-conditioned hotel room in such contrast to the villagers that I'm studying. She feels the same way and even remarked that she feels guilty every day because their work takes them into some of the poorest slums of Dehli and at the end of the day she comes back to this beautiful neighborhood where she pays more than the average slum dweller pays in a month in a night to stay. I can definitely understand her conflict and I feel it in Bhubaneswar too, but honestly to a lesser extent. I mean, I haven’t really gone to the field and I definitely am not in the presence of the poorest of the poor on a daily basis. I think there’s a resolution of hypocrisy that you need to be here. It’s impractical to think that people like Colette and I could handle living for 3 months in slum or village conditions without seriously going insane and needing flee the country. Also, we are genuinely here to help, and I think that those intentions go a long way. We’re not just here to cash-in on the Rupee Dollar exchange rate for a first class vacation (for the most part...) It was really nice being able to relate about this experience to someone who I knew really got it, especially since it's really hard to explain if you haven't been here.
Enough about reflections - what did we even do???
On Saturday we woke up early and went to the gym that's near their house and then did a day of touristy sightseeing.
After that we took the metro the rest of the way to Old Delhi. It’s known for it’s spice market or spice bazaar, so we walked around trying to find it. It was about a half hour walk through the most crazy hectic streets you can imagine. It’s like there were people every square inch and the buildings were so old with little alleys you could look down to see hundreds more little shops in every block. It was quite overwhelming, but the spice section was really neat. Everyone in the streets were coughing or sneezing because of all the spice in the air.
The next morning we went to a breakfast place where we got REAL American breakfast - waffles, eggs, sausage, real drip espresso coffee drinks. Mmm. After we went to an outdoor market where I bought a few little things, but mainly just watched the chaoticness there.
It was a fun, but thouroughly exhausting 4th of July…no fireworks, but I think I prefer the Indian way better! Now I'm back in Bhubaneswar. It's exactly half way through my stay here in India and I really can't decide if the time is going by fast or slow. At times it feels like every day inches by, but then I think about how I've already been here over 6 weeks and it seems like I just arrived yesterday. Now that things are generally settled, I'm just trying to enjoy every minute (even the ones spend cleaning data for hours on end)!
many times when i read your blogs i am brought to tears....its easy to loose perspective living in such weath and excess, even when i consider myself to be a fairly consious person. i go to sleep each night without a thought of where my next meal will come from, take for granted that kaya will grow up heath and educated.... even though i have it alot worse off than many around me, i am wealthy, secure and privlaged...even if i cant spell woth a crap....in any case, it just brings to the forfront of my my the enormous responsibility that this privalage comes with....i think about how i grew up dreaming of savuing the world, and now that i have a child i havent decied how that should really look...should i just include her is this fair, do i wait, maybe my way will just be complelty different, but i cant help but yearn for this idealized dream i hold on to of making a genuine differnce in the world....and reading your relfections makes a little part of my antsy. this is a super long "comment" sorry. Im glad you had a good 4th and wooyoo for real coffee! talk to you soon