Friday, August 6, 2010


I went for a run this afternoon for the first time in Africa, and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  There were definitely some challenges, but overall, it was really nice.  The biggest drawback is breathing the dust from the dirt roads, the smoke from burning stoves, and exhaust from the old, unmaintained cars.  The roads are bumpy with many rocks, and therefore, it's impossible to "zone out" - you have to constantly be watching your footing.  It was nice not having to stop for stop signs or stop lights, and it was also nice getting to interact with many of the locals.  Almost everyone I passed said hi to me (in Swahili of course) and I was able to respond with the little Swahili I've picked up so far.  The most common greeting I got was "pole" (pronounced pole-ay) which literally translates to "sorry".  I had to read up on this after I got back because I was really confused why people were apologizing to me as I was running by.  Apparently, it's customary to say "pole" when you are sorry, but also to express sympathy if someone is having a difficult time or (as in my case) working hard.  It is also used when someone is doing something as simple as walking across a room to get something.  In any case, I received a warm reception, and lots of staring, but overall, nothing to discourage me from doing it again (aside from the fact that the power went out when I got back, so I had to take a cold shower in the dark - ha).  I just might be able to squeeze in a long run before I leave next week.

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