Monday, July 16, 2012

who needs sleep?

I've been in Zambia for 2 weeks now.  It has been a wonderful, and thoroughly exhausting experience.  Every day is a work day, and lasts for at least 12 hours.  Breaks for meals?  sort of, except that you're talking about work the whole time!  My patience, comfort, and personal boundaries are being tested, and if I loved this work any less, I'd be on the first plane out of here.  That's the kicker.  I've never loved work like this before.  I'm in the middle of socially conscience academic research, watching one of my academic idols interact with villagers, community health workers, surveyors, and subordinates.  I've learned more in the past 2 weeks than I did in my last 3 years of my PhD program.  I'm sleep-deprived, covered in mosquito bites, sick of taking cold showers, and quite nervous about an all day data cleaning workshop that I'm running in the office today (agenda, who needs an agenda!?).  And I love it!  

Pictures to follow when I return home and have a quick internet connection, but they're good...wait for it...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Back to Africa

Matt and I moved into our new condo in Boston a few days ago, and I already have a suitcase at the door, ready to leave for Zambia in a few hours.  My life is feeling quite surreal these days.

I don't know how much time I'll have to blog about my experiences, but I'll try to keep up.  I actually anticipate that it will be difficult enough to find the time to eat, sleep, and maybe get a run or two in.  But I can't wait.  I almost feel high on the adrenaline of prepping for a 16 hour plane ride, exploring a new city, meeting new work colleagues, seeing how meaningful development economics research can be done...and all with a business card in my pocket that reads Dr. Johnson.

For the first time in a long time, I feel like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.  I couldn't be happier...well, I'll be happier once Matt paints over the pastel pink paint in our office (formerly a sickeningly sweet nursery).  I'm thinking black ;-)